
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our week/ weekend in photos

Hey everyone, hope everyone's week and weekend was great. Maddy and I spent a lot of time with friends and family. It was a lot of fun. Madden has been getting into so much lately and climbing in and on everything since he's been walking. I am so excited that fall is here. We plan on going to the pumpkin patch next weekend and I'm so excited. 
He has been doing this cheesy grin lately. So cute 

His first time out. He didn't even care. 

He figured out his finger fits in his nose. 

Trouble trouble 

He loves when dad tickles his feet

More trouble climbing on stool

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Madden 16months & craziness

It has been far too long since I've posted and I am so sorry. I have been sick and still not feeling 100% myself yet but am slowly getting there. Its first time I've been sick with madden and man has it been tough. Luckily I have family that has been helping out a lot while travs at work. 
Anyways, now on to some better news.... Madden is full in walking and no more scooting. He almost runs now and has become very independent with some things. It's been so fun to watch him reach these major milestones. He has such a big personality and makes us smile constantly every single day. Sorry I don't have many pictures. I updated my phone and it deleted most of them. Here are a few though. 

Age: 16 months
Weight: 21 lbs 
Height: 30 in.( as of last appt) 
Favorite food: Chicken & hotdogs
Favorite snack: Pretzels
Favorite toy: little cozy car
Favorite activity: Playing outside 
Favorite song: pat a cake 
Favorite things to do: play in bath , and getting into literally everything. ( bathroom drawers and nightstand drawers are his favorite)
Attached to: Binky & minky blanket
Words: momma, dadda, papa, doggy,sat(what's that), buh bye, thank you, baba(bottle) , night night, football 
Must have: binky & blanket
Loves to: walk around everywhere 
Teeth: 8 
New things : walks, and saying bye bye and football
Goal this month: less bottle and more sippy. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Leibster Award

So Alycia from nominated me for a liebster award. I was so honered that she thought of me.A Leibster award is given to up and coming blogger (less than 200 followers). So, here it is....

The Rules:
1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator.
3. Choose 11 bloggers, each with fewer than 200 followers, and nominate them for the award.
4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Contact your nominees and notify them of your nomination.

Questions from Alycia:
1. Describe your perfect day. 
My perfect day would be at Disneyland with my little family. I know its childish and silly but we love it there and it's always a happy place.
2. What can you do today that you weren't capable of doing a year ago?
I am able to take care of my little boy3. If you had to teach something, what would you teach and why?
I would teach people how to organize because I fell with an organized home things are much easier.4. What is your most beloved childhood memory?
Sounds silly but I am the oldest of 5 girls and I remember always playing outside in the backyard in the pool and having the best time ever.5. Describe your life in a 6 word sentence.
I feel happiness, Love,Joy,Laughter.6. What is your favourite blog post written. Link to it so we can all read it!
My most favorite post is when madden turned one. I think I love it so much because I love looking back at when he was first born and that special moment when I first met him and love looking back at how much he's grown since he was born.
7. Describe yourself in one sentence.
I am a happy person who loves to love and be loved.8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I see myself with at least 1 or 2 more children and married!9. What are your 3 favourite simple pleasures?
Baking, Organizing & being outside.10. If you had to move 3000 miles away, what is the one thing you would miss the most?
My family11. When you have a random hour of free time, what are you usually doing?

I want to nomiate:( I don't follow 10 people who have less than 200)

My questions:
1.What is your favorite thing to do?
2.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
3.Whats your guilty pleasure?
4.Describe yourself in a sentence?
5.Whats your hobbies?
6.Whats your number one on your bucket list?
7.What is your favorite bloodspot written. Link toit os we can read it.
8.Describe a perfect day.
9.What career if any would you be in?
10.Favorite celebrity crush?
11.Favorite animal?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our weekend get away

So this holiday weekend we decided t go to our vacation home on mesquit. I started our trip off pretty rough with accidently stepping on a cactus. I still have a cactus thorn stuck in one of my toes but am using drawing salve to try to get it out. I'm hoping it works cause I don't really wanna go to the doctor. Its been pretty painful bit seems to be doing a little better. Besides that its been pretty fun and relaxing.madden always has a blast riding the golf cart ,razor and playing outside. And of course its nice for is to get to spend some much needed family tome together. It was so nice. Hope you guys had a great fun weekend and now for some pics. 
Being a goof on the way down. 

Loves riding the razor with papa

He thought he needed to test the play stroller out

Practice for a sibling in the future. 

Family golf cart ride. 

Madden loves pickles