
Friday, January 11, 2013

Packing Lists!!!!!

So we are leaving for Madden's 2nd trip to Disneyland in 6 days!!! Cannot wait! Trav and I love going to Disneyland and especially now that we have Madden it makes it even more fun. Even though he doesn't really know what's going on all the memories are so worth it. Madden was only 2 1/2 months when we took him for the first time in August and man it was SOOOO hot!!! Luckily we got a portable A/C fan unit and could snap it on his car seat and used portable mini fans. He did great though and loved all the lights and entertainment. I think this trip will be even more fun for him since he's older and is really into lights and busy places. 
Getting ready for trips like this though takes a lot of time and work. I made a packing list for our last trip to Disneyland for him and I find it to be so useful and I use it anytime we leave out of town. It may be a bit much and I tend to over pack a lot but I would rather over pack then run out of something. Especially when it's for your child. I tend to do the same thing with his diaper bag and over pack it but you just never know when your gonna run out of something. I also have included a packing list for Trav & I as well since we've vacationed a lot together I think I've mastered out lists and hopefully Madden's packing list as well and I have a list for Day Bag for going out. I really hope you find this useful if you and your family are leaving out of town & if I have forgotten something please let me know so I can add it to my list.

Madden's Packing List 

·       Diapers (10 per day)
·       Daytime Outfits (2-3 per day)
·       Pajama’s (2 per night)
·       Sweaters/ Jackets (1 per day)
·       Swim Suit/ Sunhat
·       Wipes
·       Shoes
·       Socks (1 to 2 per day)
·       Short Sleeve Onsies (2 per day)
·       Long Sleeve Onsies (1 per night)
·       Diaper Cream
·       Burp Cloths (2 per day)
·       Bibs ( 2 per day)
·       Blankets (1 to 2 per day)
·       Binky’s (3)
·       Bottles
·       Water for Bottles
·       Formula/Ready to feed formula
·       Soap for washing bottles
·       Bottle Brushes
·       Bottle Drying Rack
·       Sanitizer
·       Lysol
·       Wet one Wipe/Clorox Wipes
·       Monitor
·       Vaseline
·       Hats
·       Baby Wash/ Baby Shampoo
·       Baby Lotion
·       Towels (1 every 2 days)
·       Wash Cloths (1 per day)
·       Portable Baby Bath Tub
·       Bouncer Seat/Portable Swing
·       Plastic Bags dirty diapers
·       Medicine (Tyenol,Motrin,Nasal Spray, Gas Drops,Vicks Rub..ect)
·       Thermometer
·       Nasal Aspirator
·       Stroller
·       Pack n’ Play
·       Toys
·       Diaper Bag
·       Toothpaste/Tooth Brush
·       Boppy
·       Baby Brush/Comb
·       Q-tips
·       Nail Clippers
·       Books
·       Portable fan
·       Sunscreen
·       Bugspray
·       Blankets Play Time on Floor
·       Pack n Play Sheets
·       Bag for Dirty Laundry (1 to 2)
·       Carseat & Stroller Case
·       Binky Holder
·       Ziploc Baggies for ice for carseat
·       Freeze Packs/Heat Packs
·       Disposable changing Pads
·       Ribbon For Stroller
·       First Aide Kit           
·       Batteries for any toys
·       Night Light
·       Sippy Cups (1 per 2day)
·       Baby Food
·       Rice/ Oatmeal Cereal
·       Yogurt
·       Snacks
·       Containers to hold snack in (1 per 2 days)
·       Portable High Chair
·       Swim Diapers
·       Kleenex
·       Sunglasses
·       Soundmachine
·       Sleep Sacks (1 per 2 nights)
·       Bath Toys
·       Umbrella

    Cherice’s Packing list

·      Outfits (2 per day)
·      Pants (1 per 2 days)
·      Sandals/Slippers
·      Dress Shoes/Tennis Shoes
·      Swim Suits (1 per 2 days)
·      Swimsuit Cover
·      Extra Shirts/Tanks
·      Extra pants/Shorts
·      Coat/Jacket (1)
·      Socks (2 per day)
·      Underwear (1 to 2 per day)
·      Bras ( 1 per 2 days)
·      Under Tank Tops (1 per day)
·      Sweater ( 1 per 2 days)
·      Pajamas (1 per 2 days)
·      Hats/Scarfs/Belts/Jewlery
·      Lotion
·      Body Wash
·      Shampoo/Conditioner
·      Razor
·      Deodorant
·      Perfume
·      Makeup
·      Straighter
·      Hair Ties/ Bobby Pins
·      Blow Dryer
·      Comb/Brush
·      Hair Spray/Hair Products
·      Birth control
·      Vitamins
·      Medicine
·      Tampons
·      Camera/ Charger
·      Phone/Charger
·      Towels ( 1 per 2 days)
·      Nail Polish
·      Sunscreen/Aloe Vera
·      Bag for Dirty Laundry (1 to 2)
·      Sunglasses
·      Toothbrush/Toothpaste
·      Chapstick
·      Credit Card/Cash/License/Passport
 ·      Hotel Tickets/Park Tickets/Special Documents
·      Ipad/Ipod/Chargers
·      Qtips
·  Tweezers
·      Snacks

Trav's Packing List

·      Shorts (1 per day)
·      Shirts (2 per day)
·      Underwear (2 per day)
·      Socks (2 per day)
·      Pants ( 1 per 2 days)
·      Sweater (1 per 2 days)
·      Jacket
·      Athletic Shorts (1 per 2 days)
·      Athletic Shirt (1 per 2 days)
·      Hats (3 to 4)
·      Shoes ( 1 to 2)
·      Flip Flops (1)
·      Swim Trunks ( 2)
·      Lotion
·      Body Wash
·      Shampoo
·      Razor
·      Eye Contact case
·      Eye Contact Solution
·      Deodorant
·      Comb
·      Hair Gel
·      Medicine (Allergy pills,ib profen)
·      Phone/ Charger
·      Camera/ Charger
·      Towels (1 per 2 days)
·      Bag for Dirty Laundry (1 to 2)
·      Sunglasses
·      Toothbrush/Toothpaste
·      Chapstick
·      Credit Card/Cash/License/Passport
·      Hotel Tickets/ Park Tickets
·      Ipad/Ipod/Chargers
·      Belts
·      Qtips
·      Tweezers
·      Walkie Talkies
·      Pillow
·      Snacks
·      Headphones

Day Bag for Theme Park

·      Theme Park Tickets
·      Driver License
·      Cash/Credit Card
·      Park Maps
·      Camera/Camcorder
·      Cell Phone
·      Walkie Talkies
·      Sunglasses/ Hat
·      Water Bottles/Cooler
·      Snacks
·      Portable Fan/Batteries
·      Medication for adults and kids
·      Sunscreen
·      Chapstick
·      Thermometer
·      Kleenex
·      Sanitizer/Lysol
·      Wet Wipes/Clorox Wipes
·      Zip Loc Baggies/Plastic bags for wet or dirty clothes
·      Diapers/Wipes/Diapers Cream
·      Changing Pad/Disposable Changing Pad
·      Change of Clothes for baby (warm weather)
·      Change of clothes for baby (Cold Weather)
·      Burp Cloths/Bib
·      Baby Blanket
·      Bottles (2 to 3)
·      Formula
·      Water for bottles
·      Q-tips
·      Bugspray
·      Freeze packs
·      Heat Packs
·      Sunhat
·      Diaper Bag
·      Umbrella
·      Baby Food/Yogurt/Rice Cereal
·      Snacks
·      Sippy Cup W/ Water
·      Eating Utensils for Baby
·      Baby Toys

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